Welcome to this episode of The Organised Women in Business Podcast. I’m really excited to be speaking with Peter Stanhope from GigSuper, because when it boils down to it, I get a little passionate about helping to educate women about the importance of superannuation (and other .
Peter is a co-founder of GigSuper, a superannuation fund specifically for self-employed people.
For more information about GigSuper, visit:
You’ll hear it in the audio, but I want to shout it from the rooftops: I LOVE GIGSUPER. Truly. As soon as I found out about them and their product, I was waiting (im)patiently to sign up.
Having Peter on the show was both an honour and a privilege.
We talk about:
- how self-employed people are often left behind in terms of superannuation;
- how GigSuper really is an ally for the self-employed economy;
- the importance of superannuation;
- and lots more.
Dear listeners, I’ve a question (or few) for you.
Are you contributing money to your superannuation?
Are you contributing via an industry super fund like HostPlus or REST or CBUS? Or maybe you’ve just got a high interest account that you’re stashing money in?
And who’s just not doing anything at all?
But the bigger question – who’s going to just start and go sign up with GigSuper?
Let me know below, or on my Facebook page.
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